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Violence Is Not Our Culture – Art Competition


Violence, stigma and discrimination against those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersexed or queer (LGBTIQ) has for too long been justified in the name of culture and religion. In Malaysia, the situation is no different. There are LGBTIQ youth who contemplate suicide because of judgment and rejection from society. There are LGBTIQ youth who are kicked out from their homes as early as the age of 15 and sometimes, younger. Yet, these LGBTIQs are our fellow Malaysians, our friends and sometimes our own family members and relatives. With your help, both Knowledge and Rights with Young people through Safer Spaces (KRYSS) and Seksualiti Merdeka want to bring the message home to all Malaysians, that “Violence is not our culture”. We want Malaysia to be known as an equally safe space for all, irrespective of our sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI). With your help, we want to let all LGBTIQs in Malaysia know that there are Malaysians who do accept the way we identify ourselves. We respect each other as we do our indigenous peoples, our poor and our people with disabilities.

So we are inviting you to submit your original artwork and creative pieces to the “Violence is Not Our Culture: The SOGI Project”. We will compile winning submissions and selected voluntary contributions into a bound plain paper notebook that is designed to raise public awareness regarding issues faced by the LGBTIQ community in Malaysia. By participating in this competition and contributing your creative pieces, you will help us say to all Malaysians, that in the face of violence, “silence is not an option” and that “violence is not our culture”.

KRYSS is an organisation that works with young people on the issue of discrimination and rights through creative platforms. KRYSS continues to adopt the vision that it was first founded on: “We are committed to a world where young people feel safe and empowered to be themselves, to define and express their own hopes, dreams and realities, and act upon them without fear of discrimination or violence. Where diversity, creativity and personal capacities are celebrated and nurtured, and each person regardless of gender is empowered in body, mind and spirit.”

Seksualiti Merdeka is an annual sexuality rights festival held in Kuala Lumpur, and represents a coalition of Malaysian NGOs and volunteers. “We believe that everyone in Malaysia deserves to be free from discrimination, harassment and violence for their sexual orientations and their gender identities. We believe it is our right to be responsible for our own bodies. We believe everyone is entitled to the freedom to love and the freedom to be, whether gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersexed, straight, asexual, pansexual, or simply fabulous.”


Theme: Artwork must send across the message that “Violence is not our culture” and that violence, stigma and discrimination against any member of the LGBTIQ community has no justification. Artistic as well as positive interpretations of the message is encouraged. The artwork may centre on any one or any combination of the Yogyakarta Principles ; or the 29 Ways towards an LGBTIQ-friendly Malaysia. The artwork may also use the six colours of the rainbow flag in any form or manner. Each artwork submission must be accompanied by an explanatory concept of the visual, written in either English or Bahasa Malaysia. Artists must also submit a personal message of their own to accompany each of their artwork submission.

Contest Eligibility. The competition is open to artists 18 years or older. Work must be original, and not photographs of the original. Original photography and original digital art are acceptable. Work will be judged on creativity, technical expertise, content as well as the artistic interpretation and effectiveness of the messaging. Artwork not meeting these four key criteria will not be considered during final judging. A bound plain paper notebook will be made from winning designs, so work will also be considered by ease of reproduction for this format and for the cover. Artists may enter as many works as they choose, but are only eligible to win one cash prize.

Voluntary Contributions. Artists may also enter voluntary contributions. Voluntarily contributed work must be original and can be in the form of photographs, artwork or poetry. Artists must submit a personal message of their own to accompany each voluntarily contributed creative piece. If creative piece is selected for reproduction, artist will be provided with one free plain paper notebook. Artists may only receive one free plain paper notebook irrespective of number of voluntary contributions selected for reproduction.

Media. Any two-dimensional medium reproducible by photographic process is acceptable. Three-dimensional work with a depth no greater than 3/8” is also acceptable.

Size. For those vying for the 1st prize cash award dedicated to designing the cover, artwork must be 21 cm (height) x 1.4 cm (spine) x 15 cm (width) x 1.4 cm (spine) x 5 to 10 cm (variable width for flip cover) with a bleed margin of 0.5 cm. See template (PDF file) attached. The width for the flip cover will depend on the artwork being submitted as cover design and the artist’s own decision. The design may be either vertical or horizontal.

Other artwork submissions (vying for the 2nd, 3rd and consolation prizes) must be 20.5 cm x 14.5 cm, with a bleed margin of 0.5 cm. The design may be either vertical or horizontal. Variations of any artwork submitted for the cover design may also be entered.

Format. All artwork must be sent as high-resolution (minimum 300 dpi) PDFs (recommended). High-resolution JPGs or Illustrator AI/EPS formats are also acceptable.

Cash Awards. Each of the winning artists will be eligible for Awards of Excellence. The first cash prize award of RM1,000/- will be given to the artwork chosen for the cover design based on the specifications provided above. RM500/- will be awarded for the second prize and RM300/- for the third prize. There will also be ten consolation prizes of RM200/- each. Artists may only win one cash prize.

Judging. Judging for the competition will be held a week after the closing date. Judges will comprise of both artists and activists of different backgrounds and experiences. Winners will be notified individually by phone or e-mail. Judges’ decisions are final.

Copyright. Artists may retain ownership over all their original artwork and voluntary contributions submitted. By entering their artwork and participating in this contest and project, artists hereby grant permission to KRYSS and/or Seksualiti Merdeka to reproduce the winning entries and selected voluntary contributions. Artists also hereby agree to KRYSS and/or Seksualiti Merdeka reproducing their artwork under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence. This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Winning artworks will be featured alongside other LGBTIQ-centric text and visuals in the plain paper notebook. KRYSS and/or Seksualiti Merdeka reserves the right to feature all submitted artwork and creative pieces in other collaterals/printed matter for any purpose in relation to the documentation of violence, stigma and discrimination of the LGBTIQ community in Malaysia as well as in relation to the protection and promotion of the human rights of the LGBTIQ community in Malaysia.

To enter. Entries must be received by 11th September 2011. Entries should include full name of artist, mobile phone contact number, e-mail address contact, and a short bio (100 words) of the artist.

Entries must be e-mailed to: violenceisnotourculture @ gmail.com.

IMPORTANT: Both KRYSS and Seksualiti Merdeka are not responsible for the return of any artwork or if reproductions do not match the expectations of the artist. KRYSS and Seksualiti Merdeka reserve the right to use a standard cover for the plain paper notebook and to make any other alterations to the specifications of the bound paper notebook.

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